Stayed at home today intending to get lots of things crossed off my ( very long ) to do list. However as usual I didn't seem to achieve much. A TV unit arrived yesterday ( flat pack ) and I was going to try and put it together today - but I took one look at the instructions and decided to leave it till I'm more in the mood. It will probably hopefully be simpler than it looks.

Newcastle played this evening - they were away at Swansea and lost 3 - 0. Can't see them winning on Saturday either as they are away again - to Manchester United. But I live in hope.

Weather has been freezing cold and very windy today and we are on amber alert for bad weather through the night. Better batten down the hatches.

I was scratching around in an old chest of drawers in the utility room looking for something and kept coming across various useless items which must have been there for years. Well some of them aren't exactly useless but they haven't seen the light of day for a long time. Today's Forum Challenge is " A mystery " and its certainly a mystery as to why most of these items have been kept so I decided to blip some of the things I found. There is:~~

An invitation to a school production - not sure which child has drawn this but at a guess I would say Becky as she is more artistic then Neil.

Two little silver metal jelly moulds. When Becky and Neil were little I used these a lot for jelly or blancmange.

A tin which is made to look like a sandwich.

A withered up useless balloon.

A TV remote control for a TV which has long since gone to the TV graveyard

An EMPTY bottle of Olbas oil- best before Oct 2004

An EMPTY tube of Evo Stick leather adhesive.

A cracked saucer with flowers and the word Mother on it.

A little football - I think it belonged to a table football game Neil had.

2 dice

A little green rubber wedge thingy - I think it is was possibly to use to stop windows rattling - back in the day.

A packet with 2 medium Wiper Arm Springs ( How useful ! )

Glad I came across the invitation though and I will certainly be keeping that.

There is no " added cat " in this shot - but here is an OUT TAKE

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