West Coaster

By WestCoaster

The Ripple Effect

I took a half day today, I just needed to get out of that place, I am sure everybody knows that feeling where it is better not to be there...

I suspect that most of the problem was tiredness, my sleep patterns of late have been erratic to say the least and I think maybe today was the day I could easily have let my mouth run a little bit, the crassness of some of my colleagues annoying me in the extreme as they sanctimoniously mock and denigrate others they feel less worthy than them!!! Its strange how some people just seem to think it is acceptable to make fun of people for how they look, how they talk or their sexuality amongst other things when really the people they mock are worth ten of them; they all call it "banter" but strangely I have a few more realistic adjectives for what it is that they do....

I left the office and quietly sauntered home, a playlist gently meandering helping me to let my frustration subside as I drove. I shot a few frames off as I took a short walk before heading home. My friend suggested a snooze and so it proved, eyes closed and relaxed Jon Lord's beautiful classical suite, To Know Such Things suite gently accompanying my slumber.

A chance e-mail later may bring a glimpse of light, maybe a hope of a new dawn but for now that will stay on the back burner matters in the hands of others but maybe a move in the right direction...

I hope you enjoy the shot, peaceful, the ripples of the river as she kisses the foreshore, the river once again, my mistress, my muse, my solace but most of all just for my friend...

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