Got her!

Large if you'd like.

I've wanted an image of a red-bellied woodpecker for months now... they are the hardest ones for me to catch...

We woke up to snow today instead of the rain that was predicted. (Will I ever learn to ignore these predictions? Probably not, as I keep hoping they are right... I like to plan.) Anyway, for me, snow is much easier to blip in vs. rain, so I was quite pleased. And the bird activity this morning was pretty heavy so had my camera at the ready. Fred the Red squirrel stopped by, bluejays by the dozen invaded the feeders and a few more of the usual suspects made an appearance. But, I was really hoping for someone different. Then this lady landed on the suet tree. Hot Diggity! She was so busy eating, she didn't even notice me sidle up to the window and get into position. I shot a few with her filling the frame. As I did so, I notice her start to puff-up and get quite round. Then she quickly looked from side to side vocalizing her complaints. Only after I pulled my eye from the back of the camera did I see why... There were 4 bluejays surrounding her on the nearby branches patiently waiting for their turn at the feeder. She held her own and finished her meal (pretty impressive with that audience) and I got my blip! It's always satisfying to catch a shot of the skittish ones. :)

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