Clicks and Snaps

By meredith

Bright Car

It says Earth, not Fart. Look again!

Is this even legal? I guess it counts as an "art car" now. I always thought the cars covered with action figures, grass, mirror tiles, etc. were pretty cool. But for some reason this car just screams "tacky" to me. Is it the garish colors? The fact that it was done with spray paint? I'm not sure, but it just doesn't appeal to me. I'd do a double take if I saw it on the road rather than in the Gallaudet parking lot.

This paint job was just done recently - I recognize the bumper stickers from a much less colorful car. I think it might have been painted over this most recent weekend, in fact. So while I was picking up my friends at the cruise port, somebody was attacking their car with spray paint. Well, that's one way to avoid doing homework!

There's a much more attractively hand-painted car on campus pretty often, I'm hoping to blip that one soon.

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