Clicks and Snaps

By meredith

The Wheels on the Bus

Can I just say I am so glad I didn't have to stand?

This is the Gallaudet University shuttle bus, which runs from campus to the New York Ave metro and then to Union Station. I am starting to take it full-time now, because I discovered that it actually takes less time than driving. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, my morning commute when driving is two hours, and it can be two hours to come home any day of the week now. Driving to metro, taking the train, and then catching the shuttle to Gallaudet takes about an hour, or a little more if I time things very badly.

Another reason I have decided to take metro full time is because I came extremely close to getting busted for HOV yesterday. The kind of close that would make you swear to go to church every week if only you could just avoid getting busted. The kind of close where the cop could see into my car and see I was alone and still chose to pull somebody else over. Yeah, I don't need that kind of pants-wetting terror again. Of course, it's ridiculous that 66 is HOV-only during rush hour. If they made it a little wider, we could have an HOV lane and regular lanes, but the current road is two lanes and they are both HOV during rush. (Inbound to DC is HOV in the morning, outbound is HOV in the evening, for those unfamiliar with Northern Virginia.)

Plus I expect to get some leisure reading done during these commutes. I don't normally have the chance to read for fun during the semester, because I'm so busy reading for school. It'll be nice to finish Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen sometime soonish.

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