Trams Again

Well as promised as I was taking shots of Edinburgh's first tram back into the city for 57 years before and after midnight and this was my after midnight shot that I will post and in this shot was just as the tram heads back up from York Place back towards St Andrews Square I noticed a little wheelslip as it stopped at the top of the brow but it's sanding system worked well for it to get going again as the wheels were doing a slow spin so it looks like the first night of testing went well with higher speed testing for tonight with all traffic light in Princes Street turned to Red for a few minutes to allow the tram to run at around 25mph so my source told me last night to see how things progress, at least the storm of today has calmed down but sadly two people lost there lives in tragic accidents and it was no trains at all for a good part of the day along with the Forth Road Bridge closed to all traffic with heavy congestion at the top of our street heading West for the Kincardine Bridge to get over the Forth thank goodness it was a day off today and hopefully back to normal tomorrow as I work the 14:08 to Leeds tomorrow so that's it for today although just after this I took a shot of a family gathering of fellow Blippers who I had an enjoyable conversation with Eyelad, Jonathan and Emh so it was finally nice to meet you all they were very gracious in allowing me to take a picture of them with the Tram behind them in the shot at St Andrews Square and it's in my Folio section under Edinburgh so thanks again guys now then movie for the day is "A Day To Remember 1953" See Ya

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