Little bird

Little Bird

This morning, when I walked up to work, there were the most amazing sunrise colours in the sky and I took a few pictures. Then, from the viewing gallery in our work, I saw an amazing sunrise and, as we were not busy, I did actually rush into the changing rooms to grab my camera quickly and take a snapshot of it. Really beautiful sunrise. However, as I have already given you a sunrise, I decided to post something different this time.

I have actually modified the picture a little bit to make it look prettier. I did really like the silhouette of the little bird.

Work has been quiet. I guess we'll start getting busy next week, as most people are having their Christmas holidays soon.

Not much more to report really. Feeling really tired and working this weekend, unfortunately..

And, by the way, To all Finnish blippers, Happy Independence Day, Hyvää itsenäisyyspäivää!

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments yesterday! I hope you all have a nice and enjoyable weekend! :)

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