My Best Efforts - Year 3


Against All the Odds..........

.............My then new neighbours planted this standard rose tree three years ago. Year 1 - it had about 2 buds which quickly shrivelled up! Year 2 - it appeared to be dead! John was about to dig it up and consign it to the bin - I then got a knife and scraped a "dead" branch only to discover it was still alive, so it sat there looking very sad, doing nothing. Year 3 (This year) it has been covered in blooms and now, although it has lost most of it's leaves, it is hanging on to it's rather battered looking flowers as if there is no tomorrow! I was told that roses were tough but this one really takes the biscuit!!

My house is a mess - boxes everywhere in preparation for the decorators start at 8.00am on Monday morning - still a few things to clear but not too bad on the whole. I can only do what I can do.

It's rather a nice morning - the sky is blue, the sun is shining and all is well with my world. The wind has dropped down to a gentle breeze and the temperature is reading around the 41 Deg.F.

Hope all is well in your world too - have a lovely weekend.

Last year I posted an early morning sky

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