These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos


Storytime tonight included the infamous "Hop on Pop" by Dr. Seuss. There's a part that discusses hand stands, so storytime also included some funny hand stands by Dad, Tyler and Mia. Unfortunately, I had the wrong lens on and was never able to capture a handstand in it's entirety! Alas, I managed a picture of the kiddos loving on Dad. Dad is super busy this time of year, so having time to sit down and read some fun bedtime stories is a real treat. Loves from the kiddos just adds to the excitement!

Today the kids spent the day with Grammy. They had a fun packed day of playing with beads, coloring art, watching movies and making cookies! I had a fun filled day of typing typing and more typing! I'm loving my new job a lot, but Tuesday's are a real long day. Good thing is, I'm pretty much done for the rest of the week. It's kind of nice!

Tomorrow is a wide open day and we are looking forward to a playdate with our dear friends, the Brown bears! Can't wait!

Goodnight all!

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