These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Birthday girl

Our dear friend Macy turned three today and us girls celebrated with a lemonade tea party and marshmallows while the boys went to the football game! It was super simple and super fun! Macy was a superstar at blowing out her candles and was thrilled about her presents!

We also got to call Grandma A and Great Grandpa H., as they are celebrating their birthdays as well. September 19th seems to be a popular day to be born in our circle of friends and family! I've never heard the kids sing (scream) louder. Grandma was thrilled!

My mom arrived today in order to be here for the twins and Hannah's dedication at church tomorrow. We are excited to have her here. Better get done with this blip before the kids do bodily damage to themselves on my bed!

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