Red, Green, and Blue

By GemmoMC


Now looking at this picture, I see it as somebody listening. Sometimes it's nice to just talk and have some just listen to you. Talking to somebody who understands or pretends to understand relieves stress and the person listening shows that they care. My brother is taking a communication class right now and I guess I'm inadvertently spilling some of this new knowledge into this blip.

Anyway, today I had a third interview with Microsoft Retail. At the beginning of the application process with Microsoft, I didn't really care about getting this retail job. However, as I got further along in the interview process I really wanted the job. I thought I did well this this last interview. I thought I answered the questions well and I was happy throughout the whole thing. I left the interview smiling and thinking I for sure will get the job... (as this is a backblip, check for results in the following entry. I may write more about my Microsoft interview process in next entries. I have some stuff to say about the whole thing.)

BTW, about this photo. It is Monday and a whole bunch of shows are premiering today. Dancing with the Stars, House, and Heros. I really like House. My brother really likes Heros. And my mom really likes Dancing with the Stars. We have three TVs in the house. There are four of us. My Dad was watching his show. My mom watched her show. and my brother watched his. I sadly was unable to catch the premiere of House. Boo! I guess I'll wait until it appears on I was able though to watch some Dancing and some Heros.

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