Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner


The boys had one of their Christmas presents early, they won't realise its Christmas and they are starting to get bored of the bouncy chairs lol

So a jumperoo was purchased from Argos (it was cheaper else where but sold out!).
Elliot is a little unsure of it but Isaac seems to love it. Neither of the can reach the floor so we've put a cushion under then.

We've had an unsettled day today those bloody teeth I'm fed up of them so the boys must be well p'd off with them. It does look like it has almost come through in both mouths which will be great if they do soon (please).

Grandma and Grandad came down to see the boys which they loved and they even got a little upset when they went.

Thanks to the unsettled day they were both very tired by bed time and both feel asleep mid feed. Elliot woke back up once he was put down in his cot but took the rest of his bottle and feel asleep.
Isaac stayed asleep for a bit then woke up and had some more milk.
They were both asleep by 8pm let's see if they sleep all night

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