Funky Sp Times ...

I have had a really good day today, I organised the images for the ladies ready for Friday morning that I did a shoot of om Monday then I decided to have a break and go to bingo with my friends.

We had a great time, I only won £10.00 on the bingo but it was great to have a break and a laugh with friends, on the way out of bingo I had three £1 coins in my purse I decided to put one of them in a fruit machine (not that I always go on them) but I couldnt believe my luck, I pushed the button the wheels turned and then lights started flashing and music started playing the wheels were going around and around non stop , I didint really know what was going on until the end when I realised I had won £169.00 woo hoo.

Now what can I treat myself to ? ...

I was feeling a little blipless when I got home I didnt know what to blip then I decided on a quick funky sp through the mirror in the bathroom, I dont know why but I quite like this.

This image reminds me of the photo I took similar of Kieran a while back

I just want to say Thankyou as I have had quite a few nice comments lately on my journal and so much praise.

I just take photos I dont really think why or how to much I just do it ( Eric will tell you that, haha) Thankyou for all the praise you give me on my work especially on yesterdays blip I try to do something a little different each day but I can not believe how so many of you and other people say I do alot of different subjects.

This is why I love this site so much, you are all great photographers and friendly people.

Thanks again

Tracey xxx

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