Tidal Surge

My cold developed a charming chesty cough, and I felt pretty rubbish all day. Mum head over for a look round another Christmas fare before we had a brief walk to see the flooding along the trail- this is usually grazing land for herds of cows. The barrier had a notice up to say the tide at 1.08am on 6 Dec was the highest recorded tide since the 50s. I think it will take ages for this to drain away.. I hope all the voles, moles, weasels etc sensed the water coming and were able to escape.

I bowed out of our planned trip to the Deli for lunch, leaving Mum and G to go whilst I tried to get a bit of rest. Annoyingly, I had to go to London for a work event in the evening, which was pretty much the last thing I wanted to do. Greg came with me, so we went via the NPG to see this years photo prize before heading up to Euston to the event. We had to stay a bit later that I expected, which meant a later train, and I felt ready to drop by the time we got to bed at midnight. I had originally planned on spending my night at a Northern Soul all-nighter, damn cold!

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