The Clutha

Walking with the “B” team today but things were a bit confused as we also attended the AGM of the walking group.
I attended as the official K9 representative.
It was all a bit boring except for 3 events
1…They all clapped a lot and I really didn’t like this noise and fidgeted a bit with extras…I sang.
2…Mo felt sorry for me and fed me a bit of apple when The Boss was not looking.
3…The Boss was eating a huge strawberry and accidently dropped it. Grrreat!

I have decided that I quite like meetings and will talk to The Boss about attending more of them as long as they try not to clap.

The Meeting was held in “Hobbit Hollow” which is to the left of today’s image about 100 feet off the outlet track. It is a neat place as everyone sits on the side of the hollow and it is easy to hear what is said. It is also out of the wind and sun.
You can check this here.

This is a bit downstream from the lake outlet and the thing in the middle of the river is a buoy that marks the beginning of the rapids in the river so that boaties know that they should have brought their Jetboat as it can be a bit shallow and rocky. It doesn’t look a lot like a boy but more like a chunk of plastic. A yellow road cone. I used be very frightened of orange road cones when I was but a pup but I have grown out of that and this does not bother me at all.
Chapping does tho.

Check out the Bloke (buoy)

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