The second half of life..

By twigs

Bump, break and bokeh.

This is NOT what I was thinking I'd be blipping tonight :(

Good day at work where got a few more jobs done then, as I was thinking of beginning to wind up for the day (at 3.00pm!) I clambered onto a desk to reach up to close a window and, as I stepped back down . . . . . . . crash . . . .I was on the floor in pain having heard a very distinct crack from my foot.

J & L took me to the hospital where the nice men and women prodded and felt, x-rayed, studied then eventually put me into this cast.

Broken 5th metatarsal. 6 weeks in a cast. No weight-bearing. No driving. No getting it wet.

OMG - this is the day before our long summer holiday begins . . . . . .

Not happy.


But on the bright side, maybe the writing was on the wall because, for the first time ever I got out 4 books out from our school library for some light (not!) holiday reading!

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