These Things I Love

By candi


This weeks work load...or lack there of has made for a long slow week. I seem to be very busy first thing in the morning and it seems to just blaze past. As soon as I get back from lunch though it seems like everything is in a standing pattern and my eye lids get very heavy and minutes seem to pass like hours. Maybe I just need to pace myself.

I found myself today looking for recipes for my next two week menu...I'm ten days into the next menu and in the down time I've seemed to make menu planning somewhat of an art.

When I got tired of the whole menu thing and after the boss had left for the day I started to "stumble" and came upon this fun site that has an application where you can create your own abstract art. It was fun and I thought the color and the patterns were eye catching so knowing this was my only real chance for a semi decent blip I took the shot. Turned out ok...i guess...ah well...

Went to my moms for dinner this evening just me...left straight from work...It was a "fix it your damn self night" at home so Mike and Tyler were left eating leftovers while I had nice juicy chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and fresh green beans...yummmy! I don't normally eat fried foods so it was a real treat. And I can't complain about the break from the family either.

My dad is away in Arizona visiting my uncle so it was just my mom and I. We had a terrific visit! A nice end to a droll and boring day.

I'm sitting here now listening to some "cheery" documentary that Mike is watching based off of the Holocaust so I'm going to finish this up and go to bed.

Happy hump day fellow blippers

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