Nora Berghoff

By nberghoff


Fiona was quite angry this morning.
Why? Well, it has been raining for days now, preventing her from going outside. In addition, Her "sister" cat Loulou is suffering from cabin fever and is taking all her energy out on poor Fiona.

But thank goodness for the rain!
After one of the worst droughts in Texas history (I think) we have had an unusual amount of rain over the past two weeks. I think the weather gods are desperately trying to catch up on what was lost earlier this year...Fine with me.

And we seem to finally have broken the heat spell too. This is my 7th summer in TX, and it was the worst in terms of heat by far. I think it was a record heat summer anyway. I don't know the exact number of days over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, but it was too many to count. It started in May and didn't let up until late August/early September. Seriously. That's not normal, even for TX!!

Occasional days of "only" 95 degrees were designated as a cold front (I'm not making this up). And I actually felt cold one way when I left work and temperatures had dropped to about 90 F after a thunderstorm.

If you were wondering why I barely posted anything in the last few months? Well, that is partially due to the fact that I'm too busy, but to some degree also because of the dreadful heat. There's just not much fun to be had in 108 degree heat.

But it's bound to get better now.

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