That's not a head torch...

...THAT's a head torch!

Another quiet day at work today, literally just counting down the days until I'm off for Christmas! Only 6 working days to go. I cannot wait!

I went out for a run tonight. Just a 5 miler, but my leg is still tender so I took it nice and easy. I decided against running club, I don't think my poor left quad could have taken it. Now I'm home, it's feeling a little tense.

I tried out my new head torch tonight. Holyrood park was looking particularly dark so I thought it was about time. The right one in the box is my old pathetic one, the one on the left my new and improved one. Well I say new, Mum and Ian actually bought it for me last Christmas and this is the first time I've used it. It sort of intimidated me for a while - it was so shiny and big and had all sorts of gadgets and battery packs.

Well tonight I finally gave it a go. And you know what, I wish i'd done it sooner. It was AMAZING! I could actually see where I was going, and not just the tiny circle I was used to - I could see whole paths! It is approximately 3000% better than my old one. So a very belated thank you is in order to my folks!

Today's run: 5 miles
December running mileage: 38 miles
2013 running mileage: 1018 miles

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