These Things I Love

By candi

Rainy Morning Rainbow.

I had to run out and get pastries for a meeting this morning and driving back from the pastry shop there was a lovely double rainbow!

I really swerved quite a bit trying to get the shot, but managed and made it safely back to work!

As you can see it's another rainy day...Thunder storms expect for a good part of the morning...high of 61 degrees.

Tomorrow they say will be in the 80's which will be so nice.

My son Tyler has a dinner and a movie date with his girlfriend Bri. We'll be making creamy chicken and bacon in pastry with a salad.

He's picked some movie called "The Orphanage" a spooky flick...He told me "Spooky is best mom, cus Bri will cuddle" EEEK...

Why do kids have to grow up?

Anyhoo, we made it to Friday and the weekend lies before us!

Happy Friday fellow Blippers!

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