Coat of Arms

The restaurant we patronized tonight is called 'Het Wapen van Willemstad', literally 'The Weapon of Willemstad', actually 'The Coat of Arms of Willemstad' ... the same Willemstad where this is. This is either a shot of a very realistic painting, or a photograph in 'Painting mode'. The waitresses didn't know. I really enjoyed looking at it.

The day started with me cleaning the kitchen and mopping the floors, something I don't normally do on a working day but hey! Guests were expected for the evening. Then a smashing day at the university where my students did as they were told, resulting in a fab unbroken and fun 5-hour stretch. I had leave to go home right after that because of the dinner. Thought I'd shoot the sunset but discovered I forgot my memory card ... no problem, though, as the same weather is predicted for tomorrow, which I hope they got right. Anyway, bro and sis-in-law had arrived by the time I got home. After having slices of the sumptious cake I got yesterday, a quick shower and we were off. A yumm evening (oysters pour moi) and then back home and we all kind of 'hung out'. More chatter and then it was time to sign off as hubby's bro and I have to go to work again tomorrow.

Sometimes I wish I could retire soon ... but, of course, I'm happy to have work. It's just that I've learned to relax now. Nothing beats the freedom to just conk out after a long day.

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