a town called E.

By Eej

Snow Maiden

There was more snow overnight. And today. It's easily over a foot in some spots - which just happen to be spots I have to walk through.
I have rediscovered that it's NOT the snow that bothers me. It's not the cold either. It's people in cars. And in semis - like the *insert sarcasm* wonderful person today who thought passing a car, that just moved over to the other lane to give me room (there was no side walk), was perfectly okay. It wasn't; I had to climb onto the shoulder where so much snow was piled up it was up to my knees.

It's going to be a long winter.

BUT, this photo was taken on the way in when I still thought the world was beautiful :) And yes, that IS a snow mountain behind me.

(I shovelled the drive way AGAIN, and had to rescue 2 Juncos that were stupid enough to get themselves trapped in the garage. Also again.)

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