
By rjkerrison

Exodus: The Last Breakfast

Silently, Ian left the house on Saturday morning. Amber swears he said goodbye but I never heard a peep from him. Today, everybody else left. I'm now home alone. I spent today in the company of housemates as much as possible; the only photographs I took were of my breakfast. I'm so glad one of them was a good'un.

Sticking with the end-of-term theme, I'm using up as many of the eggs and as much of the bacon I bought three weeks ago as I can before I go home for Christmas. No doubt my digestive system is in a murderous mood.

I love this one: there's food, good depth of field, a wealth of colours and even some reflection in both the knife and the egg! There's also some steam in the top right. My tastebuds are watering just looking at this.

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