
By rjkerrison

Chinese Lantern Parade

Apparently kids in and around Leamington are well-liked by the local council. I think we were a chore in North Tyneside.

Leamington's Parade closed from 5 today for a parade of Tardises, Pikachus, Minions and snowmen made from splint frames and 50gsm paper. Some of the more elaborate designs were lit from within or had LEDs on the outside. Dads with sheds clearly came into their own for this parade.

Unfortunately, I didn't get an outstanding photograph. With my itty bitty kit lens, primitive flash and pretty basic knowledge, I failed to get a really good shot of a kid's face lit up with wonder at the fake snow – I think the council borrowed one of the machines used for foam parties that seem to tour Leamington's nightclubs – or overwhelmed with the joy of seeing a reindeer. I did get a couple of consolations at the deer enclosure, but I felt this one, albeit falling victim to overly bright shopfronts, best captured the spirit of the evening.

I love things like this. For all that I'm hugely cynical a lot of the time, putting on a truly magical show for kids like this is something which I believe to be truly worthwhile.

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