Just Put It In Nanna!!!!!!!

Sorry - another one of the wee monster.
But she was quite funny trying to get the piece of chocolate she was being teased with.

She was beating up her older brother something terrible today (pulling his hair quite badly - or quite well depending on how you look at it) and driving him mad by stealing the cars he was playing with.
It didn't help that he really is feeling rough so there were lots of tears and screaming.

Camera Club 'appraisal' this evening.
The number of entries and attendees was quite shocking really.
However, there were some real quality images (not mine obviously) and the bloke was pretty fair with his critique.

Afterwards it was the pub for crying into the beer.

This was a bit bland and had nothing to hold interest.
This in Mono wasn't a long enough exposure to show the movement of the water (apparently)

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