A Recovering Journey

By NigelWB

005-365 'Selfie!'

Where are the days going?!?! I know they say when you get older and have kids, someone presses the fast forward button, but this is ridiculous!! Another day closer to the New Year though, and 2013 can't end soon enough for me!!

Another packed day. Was up uber later this morning. Normally my alarm gets me up at 6.00am, but I set it for the wrong day!! D'oh!! So got up at 7.30am instead!! Still managed to get out pretty much on time, but I hate rushing in the morning - its sets me up wrong for the whole day!!

Just another quick one I'm afraid. Set up the camera on my tripod, and set the exposure to ISO100, F6.3 at 1sec and on self timer. Turned off all the lights, and held my Nissin Di622 in my hand. When the shutter clicked, I fired the flash manually via the test button.

I do have a studio flash set up, but the battery died in the radio transmitter!! So needs must, therefore the old school set up!!!!

Cheers all - should be a better shot tomorrow. I am going in to town after work for my first 'Stop Smoking' sessions . . . . 3rd time lucky eh!!!!

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