Big yawn

It's tiring being a lady who lunches. Well it is when you are a cute little babe like Violet :)

It was lovely to see Susi and Violet today, both were looking fabulous. I still find it bonkers that we have babies just 9 days apart! We are both so lucky to have such good girls. Violet has a wonderful wardrobe of clothes and it was great to see how much she is growing and thriving. It was good to chat about our girls and how they are doing. I don't know where three hours went. We exchanged gifts and had a yummy lunch - it'll be 2014 when we next meet up.

Home in time for Minnie's next feed then Simon came home and we went to get our Christmas tree. They seem cheaper this year unless we just left it dead late and got stitched up last year! We have put it between the snug and kitchen this year whereas every other year it's been in the lounge. Naturally we had a wee tipple to help us on our way - Baileys for me and sherry for Si! All our decorations have memories - they are gifts or holiday mementoes. We have them from all over the world and this year we have Minnie's first decorations to add to the tree. I've bought her one, our friends have as well as my Auntie inAustralia :)

Lots and lots of Blip potential on our tree :)

We have a very busy weekend ahead - Simon's works do he works with his Dad so it's just the four of us and Minnie! and two birthday parties a four year old and a 30 year old!

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