
By carliewired

Doves and Mexican Brick

Like Gemini, one
looks forward and one looks back.
Poised, ready for flight.

~ carliewired

Christmas is coming and I'm not feeling it. It's difficult to embrace the season when it's golfing weather and sandals are daily standard wear.

I have Kid#1 somewhere in Mexico City. (Not really sure because she hasn't informed family if she arrived there yesterday.) I have Kid#2 back at home in snow country.

I bought myself a Christmas present and have it in use already. (A Nook from Barnes and Noble. A book reader, wifi, movies, music...)

There's lights on the front windows, a chile pepper wreath on the door and my 'tree' is 4 inches and plastic with its own internal light. I have an ugly white poinsettia that takes up my whole sewing table....

Outside the sky is blue and the sun is shining each day. Christmas? Where are you?

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