
Curious about the many elevenspotted ladybirds that were on the dead Angelica plants yesterday I took a closer look today. More are coming on. For example I found these two pupae hidden in the axil of a leaf, protected from the elements. I'm so glad I didn't remove the Angelicas and dump them.

I took advantage of the low cloud to put in a very productive five hours in the garden. I rigged up lines in the greenhouse to hang up thin frostcloth to protect the tomatoes from the ravages of the sun. It makes their leaves misshapen. I screened compost to get two buckets of fine stuff for special jobs. I tidied the big Aloe vera plant and replenished the soil with some of the screened compost. I planted scarlet runner beans that were raised in the wee greenhouse. Then I reworked the soil in front of the beans and sowed two rows of carrots. When the sun came out I had to come in.

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