Seagull Vantage Point

"Cyril, my feet are killing me standing here, can we get down?"

"Patience dear, I just want to watch the traffic for a little longer and then we'll be off. I've never seen it so busy at this hour in the morning. Mind you it's the time of year when these humans do get a bit frenzied in their worm hunting.

"Hey Madge, there's a woman looking at us from that car down there at the lights.
Stand still, don't move. I think she's taking our picture. How strange!"

"Cyril perhaps she's mad and she's going to shoot us with that thing. Please Cyril, I want to go now......."

"Madge love, she's moving away now that the lights have gone to green. Relax and think about lunch. Where would you prefer to eat, seaside or town? I've heard tell that the worms were particularly tasty this morning in the Meadows. A lot of the club were there at breakfast time."

"I think I fancy a swim before lunch Cyril, so let's head back to the beach and leave the humans to their own food hunt"

"Whatever you say, dear heart. Follow me....."

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