From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

......see the tears roll down the street....

What a dreary Friday! There were no gloriously coloured skies today at all unless you happen to be fond of various shades of grey. It was such a dark day. I kept my lamp in the front room on for the whole time I was working. I suppose if I'd wanted to see any bright spots today, I could have gone to the office to see the Christmas jumper day excitement. I was emailed quite a few scary pictures anyway so I certainly didn't miss out!

When I did wander into the kitchen for tea and food, only one solitary squirrel was visible before the rain really moved in during the afternoon but not a bird was in sight.

The usual Friday help desk calls dribbled through. I love those ones from people who describe a problem at great length but then end with 'I am on holiday until after Christmas now. Can you please fix it by the time I am back in the office on January the 2nd?'
Marvellous! There is sod all you can do when you can't even see what's going on.

One of the other great calls that came through read 'I logged in OK but then my Oracle screen went completely white.' I suspect it was the man wearing the snowman jumper falling in front of the user which caused that. Seriously, even though the council is not shut until Christmas Eve, loads of Christmas office meals/parties went on today. Years ago, you could really laugh at some of the calls that came through at this time of year. 'Red wine spilt in the keyboard' was a very common fault. You couldn't do that these days.

Ah well... That's it for today. My only choices picture wise were the ever present squirrel or rain drops running down the kitchen window. I'm sure I see faces in these water droplets, or am I starting to go bonkers? OK, more bonkers than usual..

Track? This is Stevie Ray Vaughan's version of a great Elmore James number - The Sky Is Crying

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