Friday Faces week #2: Tom

Today was only somewhat cold, as compared to extremely cold for most of the week, so I bundled up and headed to the park to find a victim willing participant for my Friday Faces project. Starting down the trail, I encountered a senior citizen I had never seen before, so I took a deep breath and asked if he would let me take his picture for my photography project. He paused, but not for long, and, pointing to another walker ahead of him on the trail, firmly replied, "No, you don't want my picture. Ask him." Whoops," I thought, "Strike one!"

The next candidate I encountered happened to be someone I know, but nothing in the Friday Faces rule book* says that the face has to be that of a stranger, so I asked him to help with my project, and he agreed. Yay for Tom! Then, for good measure, I also blipped Randy who walked up to us, camera and bird seed in hand, looking for some bird blips. So yay for Randy too!

I never know what the response will be when I ask people if I can take their picture. It's especially iffy to ask a stranger, and rejection can be painful; however, nothing ventured, nothing gained! I'm sorry the elderly gent refused to participate. He looked interesting, and I would like to have learned a bit about the Korean War insignia on his jacket, but it was not to be. Instead, as Tom and I chatted, I watched Randy trying to tempt a bright red cardinal with a handful of bird seed. Like the elderly gentleman,the cardinal said, "No," but at least the bird looked interested in the seed. I'm thinking it won't be long before Randy has that bird eating out of his hand.

*Friday Faces rule book: I wrote the rule book. After all, it's my project, and I'm the one risking rejection, so I get to make up the rules.

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