More Snow

It is windy, snowing and cold today. If you view this on large you can see the snow coming down. I love the look of the holy against the house.
I spent most of the day shopping and because it was snowing, the lines were not too long in the stores. Still, they have everyone queue up behind a roped off area and call you one at a time as a register opens up. For some reason some people take this time to daydream. I was waiting my turn in line with two people in front of me and the woman at the register calls out ‘next’. Nobody moves. I waited a second or two and then yelled ‘next’ myself to the person first in line. She looked at me confused and then it was like a light bulb went off in her head and she turned and walked toward the register. I wouldn’t have minded so much but they were out of shopping carts and I was juggling the few things I had in my arms. Thank goodness, many people stayed home rather than deal with the bad weather.
Mac has settled down today and is being very good. He keeps looking out the back window at the snow. He likes going out in it and playing. Because of the weather today there were no other animals wandering around in my yard. After yesterday’s incident with the deer, I was relieved. He just now jumped up next to me on the sofa while I have my laptop open typing and laid his head on my keyboard. I think he is trying to tell me something. Ha-ha.

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