
By Photogen

Early Morning landing

I lay in bed listening to the 8 am forecast on Radio 4 this morning which predicted a clear start but an Atlantic front rolling in. By the time I bestirred myself and opened the curtains I could see a dramatic sunrise was unfolding. Not one to throw away an opportunity on my doorstep I rapidly donned some clothes and headed out.

Sometimes there are birds toing and froing at this hour and I could hear geese cackling as they do in flight, but they were too far away and heading south, not west. However, a plane on the flight path for Glasgow Airport over Bearsden, hove into view and provided a contrasting point of interest in the altostratus layer of pink and orange clouds. What a dramatic outlook the window-seat passengers looking east must have had! Along the horizon the high-rise flats in the north of the city stand out.

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