Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Manic snowman

Good day today. Went out first thing to get the Christmas tree. Came home to find that the tree holder I got last week was a crap and too much hassle.
Headed over to sainsburys to get some more shopping for Christmas and another tree holder from homebase. Managed to get a good metal one that I was looking for in the first place.
Home to put the tree up. All sorted and just waiting for J to throw up Christmas on it tomorrow.
Mince pies and the raspberry coulis made for dinner with the Spanish slither tonight.
Caught the buss over to see him.
Had a great night catching up and pudding went down well. White choc and vanilla panna cotta in snowmen or Christmas trees with white choc and dark choc spoons to go with it.

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