
By SeaGypsy49

Out on the boat.

We went over to the mussel farm to get some Greenshell mussels for the owners of Resort across the bay, as they are having a staff 'do' this evening.
This is PJ - his left hand is holding the rope with the mussels on it, and in his right hand, he has a little crab that he is showing to the girls..... Poppy has her nose into it but not for long. She wasn't impressed!! Neither was Gypsy when the crab dropped onto the deck.
The sea was quite rough and the girls don't like that either. We also had to do a lighting check for the mussel farm for the 'powers that be'. Number of lights, radar reflectors, orange buoys, (the orange ones are only at the ends & the middle of the inside shore & outside lines) and number of lines. This has to be done 4 times a year.
After we had dropped off the mussels, PJ dropped me at the Raetihi wharf, he just pulled in alongside the steps and I just stepped across. Next thing is Poppy is running up alongside me. Gypsy wasn't quite as quick and ended up in the tide (sea) PJ stopped the motor and called to her, she then swam back to him, and he hauled her out of the tide.
To end the day, we are going to try out cooking pizza's again - this is the 4th time. Hopefuly, I am getting it a bit better each time.

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