An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

She knows me so well...

I am so tickled with this perfect gift from Mrs Elf.

I am saving it and having it for breakfast on Christmas morning on a hot, toasted, buttered crumpet. Mmmmmmmm.....

Christmas arrangements have been made and although we've had two invites to Christmas dinner, we are staying home this year and for the first time since Alan's been born it will be just the three of us.

I wasn't too sure how I felt about that at first as Christmas Day has always been about rushing, getting places, welcoming guests, missing cooking deadlines and generally festive stressing (but the kind of stressing that you secretly enjoy) but as I have gotten used to the idea, it has grown on me and now I am really looking forward to it.

We might even keep our jammies on all day, forget the turkey and just eat our body weight in matchmakers and drink Baileys :)) In reality we will probably get dressed up as usual but it lovely having the option not to :)

David's birthday today. He went for a sports massage this afternoon and survived it. I cooked sirloin steak for tea with my garlicky herb butter and we finished off the 'offee Pie (the banoffee pie I made at the weekend but forgot to include the bananas! :) and some champagne.

He's now out for the count on the sofa opposite me. The excitement of turning 47 is clearly too much for him. ;))

PS Backblips start HERE

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