Gentle sunset

Both my son and daughter-in-law had busy days so I had a fun day decorating the tree and generally enjoying the wonderful day as the temperatures have started to climb again. My son's house backs on to a golf course and overlooks a fairly modest water hazard which is often frequented by various water fowl, but particularly geese. They fly in making quite a racket in the morning and spend the rest of the day munching away at the grass which has been refreshed by overnight sprinklers. They act as if they own the place and hardly bat an eyelid when the golf buggies move amongst them.

Following yesterday's clear blue sky it was gently cloudy today with soft wisps like gossamer floating above us, thankfully scarcely enough to block out the warm sunshine but just enough to give the promise of a sunset. The days draw to a close fairly early and by 4.30 I noticed the colour starting and was able to catch this gentle sunset behind the hills.

We are going on an exciting exploration tomorrow to Arches National Park in Utah which, true to its name, has apparently over 2,000 natural arches in the red sandstone together with pillars and other fascinating formations. It is a 6 hour drive from here and we are staying overnight to witness both sunset and sunrise before travelling to another canyon where we will spend a further night. I will almost certainly be without Wi-Fi but you may be assured that I will be taking lots of photos and will be backblipping.

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