What a difference a day makes

Today was a huuuuuuge contrast to yesterday's work day.

I was booked to cover a colleague at a new (in that I don't usually work there) but old (I worked there in another guise 13 years ago) place today.

I was booked solid from 9am until 6pm but it flew by in no time at all, thanks to my glamorous assistant Emily.

As I think I've mentioned before, dentistry is a very small world; Emily was my assistant when I qualified back in 2007, (at a different practice).

I don't really get nervous going to a new place but it's always nice to see a familiar/friendly face.

We caught up on the last 7 years over the 8 working hours, and lunch; we yapped all day! She's not changed a bit except for her hair colour! and said the same of me.

The practice itself has changed since I last worked there; the layout is the same but it's had the refurb it desperately needed. It's in a lovely little town called Whalley and is the last lit building on the right of the photo. I've added a filter, which I think made it look more like a Christmas card (minus the snow!).

I hope I'm invited back again, if only for another catch up with Emily!

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