My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

Stealing Santa

Tonight was our Links Christmas Meal, which was delicious. I made some roast potatoes, and we had turkey and stuffing, brussels, carrots, green spaghetti (a Mexican Christmas thing) and more. Between courses, we played a game of "Stealing Santa", a twist on Secret Santa. Basically everyone brought a present and we take it in turns going around the room to either pick a new present from the middle or steal one of the presents that someone has already picked. Dom and Healey were very happy to get the presents they wanted in the end - whisky and a Starbucks card! I managed to get some Starbucks mugs, coffee and a coffee scoop which I was very happy with, not that I need any more mugs as I have a rather impressive collection now.

What a great evening with some wonderful people who have become family to me over this past year. They have been such a blessing and I can't believe I knew hardly any of this crew a year ago!

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