The Children are pleased

I'd just told them that Just in Beaver is retiring... Alas it is a hoax (I have not told them this fact yet).

Annoying infrastructure failure today which has wiped out my efforts to get anything productive done. Luckily we have a top notch fellow joining us in the New Year who will amongst other things be sorting out my hapless bodging.

Alf was off school today (he has made a bit of recovery as you can see), so they were going to watch a film on Lovefilm via the ps3, but they could not get that working either. I'm just waiting for my laptop to catch fire and my camera to fall apart! Hopefully tomorrow will see things working properly.

I was pleased to see that the Living Nativity has had some good press coverage Ninja and I had photos in it and Binty is in one of the pictures!

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