St Ives in December - Again?!

We've said it before and we'll say it again - there is just soooo much going on in St Ives in December.

Today it rained and it rained and it rained. It's 9pm and it's still raining!

For my afternoon walk I went along the beach and then had a little trek around town. The 'St Ives in December' team have organised a treasure hunt. We have to visit various shops and see what word they have in their window. So far we've only found one word - 'joyful' - and Ann can't remember which shop it was in??? For the next couple of days Ann will be carrying pen & paper when we go on my walks?!!

Then we went to see our friend Val, who is the manager at Powells Holiday Cottages in St Ives. Val & her team have entered the St Ives in December Christmas window competition. They've done a 'window advent calendar'. Very, very clever so we have voted for them.

Ann has just been out to a carol concert, where the winners of the 'window display' were announced. Unfortunately 'Powells' didn't win but they were in the top five out of more than 50 entries so we think that was pretty good. Well done Powells.

..................And thank you 'St Ives in December' for organising all these fabulous events.

Ann says she'll be at 'The Christmas Disco' and she'll be taking part in the 'Food trail'.

.......................If she's doing all these things.............. I just hope she remembers to organise a dog sitter for me. LOL!

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