
Bags has Tonsillitis.

That might explain why my throat has been a slightly ropey for a couple of days.
I still blame The Cygnet though. He comes back from nursery with everything (except a memory of what he has done).

It was a 'social evening' at the camera club this evening -- snacks, drink and lots of chat.
One of the guys is thinking of getting the same camera as I have just got so he was wanting to see some stuff taken at slightly higher iso. So I took shots of the inside of the chair cupboard (almost pitch black but not at high iso) and the premises that 3 of us ended up in ......... with two of us having "high ISO" comparisons and "who has the steady hand at slow shutter speed" competitions.
There was not much in the iso tests (Pentax v Nikon) but I beat the pants off him for the steady hand.

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