
By M9


“He’s not the only pretty bird in town, you know.”

This was the very last picture I took today. I already had a couple decent shots, but then I hadn’t seen a cardinal in quite a long time, so I was trying for him. There was quite a kerfuffle when I aimed, so I gave up for the day. Imagine my surprise when I saw it had been this goldfinch in-flight that had caused me to wrap it up! I hadn’t realized he’d swooped into the picture or that I had a fairly clear picture of him.

It looks like I caught the cardinal mid-hop – his feet don’t seem to be touching the floor. I’m sure the cardinal was standing on the front edge of the feeder floor when I aimed the camera, so he must have hopped back when the goldfinch flew in so close. I’m sure that didn’t set well with him since he’s the one who’s always pushing the other birds around.

Today was the first break in the cold weather. It was actually above freezing some of the afternoon – a very welcome change! Predictions are for it to be ‘balmy’ for the next two or three days, then back to below-freezing temps.

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