
By Aynil

The passion for the violin…

My daughter… She is 12 years old… I am proud of her… She is very successful in her school and loved by her teachers and schoolmates,too much… She is fond of art very much… She loves painting and playing instruments...
My daughter can play both the piano and the guitar,not so professional but she is good at playing them… Now,she really wants to learn to play tha violin… My husband found a teacher for her and bought a nice violin immediately… My daughter is very lucky to have a superb dad like him… There are great voices in our home!!!!! Have you ever tried to play the violin? It is really hard….. Even to hold it in a right way is really diffucult…. My daughter now can hold it and we can hear some good voices from her violin… For me,the violin is the most sentimental instrument in the world… We support our daughter to play this great instrument… Hope,she will play it properly one day…

Have a great weekend!

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