
By beachgecko

Good Fortune

This was a gift to me a few years back from my cousin. It's a little capsule of Chinese fortune telling sticks. It comes with a little booklet of fortunes, and you shake the capsule containing the sticks until one falls out. Whatever number is on the stick is your fortune for the day. Mine was good today. :)

It was fairly laid-back. Work, per usual. We also had this little Christmas party that one of Jason's coworkers threw. They were seriously so fun. I can see why he likes where he works. All the people I met who work there are hilarious, and all have funny stories about the adorable things that happen over the years of them teaching. Hanging out with teachers is actually pretty cool. I've always liked teachers. Now I'm sorta friends with a bunch! hah. :)

The night ended in a funny sort of way, too. We have this pet rat now. It was supposed to be a meal for our snake. A likely story in this house. Well, this rat tried to take a bite out of my snake right off the bat, so I refused to feed it to the snake until we could humanely euthanize it. And then Jason started feeding it by hand. And then we gave it some extra extra bedding. And then we named it Hubert (okay I named it Hubert).

Jason was going to tame this rat tonight, so he took the rat out, pet it, gave it food, talked to it. It was doing pretty OK, then it jumped out of Jason's lap and booked it.

We tried catching it for about an hour. hahaha. Then I was OFF to bed. Hubert. Hubert the Hero rat. Tee hee.

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