
By cracker

Warming with Grandma!

This morning we left Tarsh and Scott's and drove to Foster. We went to my Nana's house and spent some time with her. She is 91, still lives alone, she paints and looks after her garden. She is amazing! We then went a nd met my cousin Kim, her daughter Alex and her new baby, Harriett at the park. It had just started to rain so we went back to Nana's house and had lunch there! It was lovely to see Kim again and meet Harriett!!

We drove to Toora to Mum and Dad's and no-one was home!! Mum has gone back to work now after having her stroke 6 months ago. She only does a few hours at a time so far as she is just getting back into it. She still gets really tired having to concentrate and has forgotten most of what she used to do so it will be interesting to see how much comes back and how much she can relearn. She passed her driving test but they haven't processed it yet so she still isn't driving.

Mum and Dad came home and it was freezing so we lit the fire! It has been so long since we have had (or even needed) a fire, it was lovely! The kids loved seeing Grandma and Grandpa again!

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