Candles in the wind

Windy weather meant dropping down into the valley rather than struggling out to the coast, and I also hoped to get some holly, with berries.

I found this candlesnuff fungus Xylaria hypoxylon, a common saprophyte (living on dead wood) and one I've tried photographing many times before. I was quite pleased with this shot which clearly shows the charcoal-coloured stomae (fruiting bodies) with their ashen antlers. The white powder is composed of spores which fly off like smoke when the leathery stems are touched or blown, giving the pale tips a close resemblance to the smouldering wicks of just-extinguished candles. Which seems appropriate enough for the solstice.
But not a holly berry did I find. We'll have to make do with Cotoneaster which is glowing scarlet with them on all the garden walls.

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