
By cracker

Cold and wet!

This morning Kaz still felt really terrible. We were planning on driving 2 hours over to the other side of the city to Kaz's Cousin's house but Kaz thought it would be too much for her as then after that we had to drive back to the other side of Melbourne over an hour to get to Chris and Leona's house to stay for the night!

Joti and I got up early and went for a walk down to the beach. It was cold and started to rain though so went came back to the house! It would have been beautiful and so much fun if it was warmer and not raining!

Kaz had some more sleep and then about 10 decided that she did feel good enough to go so we went!!

We were really pleased that we made the effort because Sharene (Kaz's cousin) had organised a lovely lunch and had presents for the kids! Cheryl (Kaz's mum) came over too and we saw two of Sharene's kids. We had a lovely time and then left to go back to Chris and Leona's for the night.

The kids were so excited to see each other kids again and played really well together.

Here is a photo of us in the traffic on the cold and rainy day today! It makes us appreciate our house up in Queensland more!!

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