
By cracker

Chris and Leona!

We had a lovely relaxing day today! We didn't have to be anywhere until 4.30 in teh afternoon so we just mucked around at Chris and Leona's house for the first part of the morning and then we all (except Kaz who was still feeling rotten) went to the park in Berwick.

I had only been there once and not to the bit we went today! It was freezing again (yes it is Summer but you wouldn't know it!) so we all rugged up and out we went! There was a really cool wooden park there that was great for Joti and Archer as well as the older kids! The kids played really well and then we decided to a bit further into the park and go up to the lookout. The wind was quite strong and cold so we didn't stay there for long! There is a geocache hidden there and we had a bit of a quick look for it but couldn't find it!

We came back down to the park and then fellow blipper, blipper met us there with three of his kids! It was great to catch up with him again. Chris, Willow and I were all in the Fire Brigade together so we told stories as you do!!

We came home, had lunch then Hayley had to go to Kinder and the others played some more!

We drove to Julie's house in Boronia to stay the night and had a great time catching up with her and her family!

Here are Leona and Chris with their lovely kids, Callum, Archer and Hayley! They are going to come up and stay with us for 2 weeks in January so we are very excited!!

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